OSTEOPATH Kelly. Coming to Greenstone Retreat each month.

Kia ora Kumara! I am an Osteopath ordinarily based in Nelson. My specialism is in Womens Health but I am equally happy to see all. I love the West Coast and fell for Kumara whilst staying with Kate at Greenstone Retreat Kumara
I have been wanting to set up a clinic on the West Coast and have collaborated with Kate and Greenstone Retreat Kumara to make this happen. Exciting times! I will start with a couple of days (Thursday and Friday) every 3 weeks and see how its goes. It gives patients good continuity of care. As my list builds, I will look to shorten the time between visits whilst balancing the needs of my thriving private practice in Nelson. You can check me out and book online at www.kellymacneill.nz
Booking and paying online is very efficient and is in place for both clinics. If you would prefer another booking method or would just like a chat, please feel free to contact me by text or email. All details are on my website. I look forward to serving the lovely folk of The West Coast KELLYMACNEILL.NZ Kelly MacNeill – Bachelor of Osteopathy – Dip Womens Health | Kelly MacNeill B.Ost (Hons), PGDip WHOAn Intuitive Healer with a Degree in Osteopathy (Hons), a